It's been a good weekend here. I over spent our grocery budget but I got alot,of plan approved snacks. So we adjusted a little to make it work. It's nice to have some things to take with me if I go out of the house.
My poor hubby has felt horrible for almost 2 weeks. He finally went to the doctor yesterday and they did a blood draw to test for Lyme Disease. Hopefully we will get the results by Wednesday. He's sleeping on the couch now. And he has to work an hour away everyday next week. And his boss is on vacation so it will likely be a 50+ hour week.
I haven't felt the greatest either. The heat is really getting me. My plan for next week is to use the crock pot alot and to eat lots of salad. I am going to keep the daytimes simple and prep dinner as, much as I can ahead of time.
Hope your hubby feels well soon, Bridgette!