Thursday, July 11, 2013

I hate cravings...

Today has been hard.  I am craving sweet stuff like crazy and none of it good.  I am tired and really hungry.  I think its monthly hormones but its still challenging.  Plus I have had a two day head ache and today I am really mentally foggy.

I went to bed late last night.  12:30 which isn't normal for me. But I got 7 to 8 hours of sleep so I thought I would cope better.

So here is the menu for yesterday and today.

B- 2 eggs in butter (S) 7:15am

Lunch: Cheesy Brocolli with ground local pork, sour cream and lettuce.  I caved and.added organic blue corn chips because I was straving 12:30pm (crossover)

Usually I do a morning snack and don't wait that long to eat but Ariella fell asleep in my lap and I couldnt forgo the cuddles.

Afternoon snack :  4 pieces of deli ham and 1 lite laughing cow cheese wedge (S) 3:45pm

Dinner:  Tuna Salad made with 0% greek yogurt and a few sprinkles of Parm. on 2 Josephs mini pitas with lettuce and a side of grilled zucchini (straight grill, no fat) (FP) 6:15pm

Snack/Dresset: Lemon Mousse + 6 frozen strawberries mixed in the food processor (FP) 9:00pm

Breakfast:  Savory Quinioa 3/4 cup of quinioa + 2 egg whites + 1lite laughing cow cheese wedge + seasonings (E) 8:00 am

Snack:  Godiva 73% Dark with Almonds, 3 squares (3/4 of a serving 13.5g of fat & 9.75g carbs) 11:30am (S)

Not exactly on plan but better than the other options at the grocery store. :-/  I had to have chocolate.  I tried to do just two squares but managed to keep it to 3 squares.  There was also cake snd ice cream waiting at home.  So I would say it was a better alternative.

Lunch : Pepperonis with a side salad of lettuce creamy csear, Parm & nutritional yeast (S) 12:30

Afternoon snack: Turkey Meat roll ups (FP) 4:00 ish

Dinner:  Beef Burgers or Crabby Patties with Green Fries (S) 6:30 or 7

Dessert (if necessary): Lemon Mousse with frozen strawberries (FP)

I have been doing Bullet Proof coffe before I work out if I am doing a morning workout.  I do an E snack before if it's an afternoon work out.

Maybe tomorrow won't be as craving heavy.  Glad I have stayed on plan.  I can't wait to get more whey.  I FSFs back in my life.

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